3 minute read
Isolation to Restoration
I met Lucas because all of his friends were girls.
3 minute read
If you Give a Girl a Cookie…
So, Christy, not having anything against Christianity, decided why not.
1 minute read
That Man Up There
A thank you letter from jail
3 minute read
Out of the Quiet
Silent might more accurately describe Mary than quiet.
2 minute read
Through the Hill to Glory
Through Cuyahoga Hills County Detention Center to Freedom in Christ
2 Minutes
Training & Equipping Young People
Young People Prepare to Tell Their Story on Campus
2 Minutes
One Week of Summer
#YFCSummer21 Encounters with God. The Experiences of the Week Enable Young People to Turn to Jesus.
1 Minute
Changing The Way We Connect
Every conversation started with, “I just don’t know what to do!”
2 Minutes
A Life Changing Place for Betsy
Betsy joined YFC to get connected with other people on campus – to make friends and to be seen.
2 Minutes
Rain & Rebekah
Rain is a student searching for belonging and purpose. Rebekah is a YFC caring adult leaders who understands the complexities of young people